Right of First Refusal: Everything You Need to Know

A right of first refusal, also called a ROFR, the first right of refusal, or a last look provision, gives a person or company the opportunity to start a business transaction before anyone else can. It could provide the first chance to buy stocks or real estate at the same price and terms as another offer. If the holder of the right of first refusal declines, the owner of the asset can sell it to whomever they want.

There's even a ROFR in many child custody agreements. It requires that one parent offer the other parent the chance to watch the kids before using a family member or outside child care.

A Right of First Offer: What is it?

A right of first offer or ROFO requires owners to tell the holder first when they plan to sell an asset. Then the holder of the ROFO has the right to make the first offer on the business, stocks, or property. The seller can accept or reject the offer, speak to other buyers, and negotiate with the holder. A ROFO can reduce transaction costs and save time. Selling a business often takes lawyers, investment advisors, and accountants. Buyers and sellers are motivated to negotiate quickly to cut costs, so buyers usually give fair offers. Sellers can wait for better offers, but buyers could reduce their bids.

Why is a Right of First Refusal Important?

Many commercial leases have these provisions. They give businesses more security if a landlord goes bankrupt or decides to sell the property they rent. Venture capital investors and other companies often use the right of first refusal to get the best price on stocks or entire companies. Holding a ROFR and waiting is usually more profitable than buying an asset right away. Also, business partners in joint ventures usually grant each other this right so they can keep a newcomer from buying a stake in their firm if one of them wants to sell their shares. Shareholder agreements in private companies often have similar terms. A publisher could even ask for the right of first refusal on future books from a new author. If no one is already holding a right of first refusal for a property or company, the first bidder can ask for it or the seller can offer it to attract buyers.

Some Examples of a Right of First Refusal

A real estate owner wants to sell to a purchaser for $1,000,000 with certain terms and conditions. Since a third party has a right of first refusal to buy the real estate, the owner must offer it to the holder of the ROFR with the same terms as the buyer's offer. The buyer can only get real estate if the holder refuses. A ROFR is essentially an option to buy a property before it's sold to another buyer. The seller and the holder can choose to agree on a price and other terms in the ROFR or negotiate later. The option could end at a specific date in the future, and the owner doesn't have to sell if the terms aren't already established.

A right of first refusal can also be on each stock purchase or grant agreement or it can be in a startup's bylaws. Some startups use both methods, which is called the belt and suspenders approach.

A right of first refusal keeps the person holding it from losing an essential asset. Many commercial tenants prefer to lease premises, but they would buy to prevent eviction by a new owner. A right of first refusal gives tenants a chance to buy and stay at their location.

A holder and a buyer negotiate sale terms for a certain period. Then, the buyer must sell if the holder wants to buy it within that time. For example, two parties could agree that 100 acres worth $100,000 now will rise 3 percent per year in value, with or without compounding. A ROFR can also give holders the right to match any offers from potential buyers. Holders pay for the right of first refusal in many agreements or contracts. If the holder can't meet future terms, the seller can sell to anyone. Some agreements only let the holder make an offer at the end of the term, while people can use others anytime. ROFRs usually last one or two years since longer terms are riskier.

Reasons to Consider Using a Right of First Refusal

Reasons to Consider Not Using the Right of First Refusal

Right of First Refusal Tips

If you need help with your right of first refusal agreement or other legal matters, you can post your question or concern on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel only accepts the top 5 percent of lawyers to its website. The site has a diverse choice of the nation's best startup attorneys. You can easily find a lawyer to help you negotiate or tell you about other aspects of your business. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from excellent law schools like Harvard Law and Yale Law. They have an average of 14 years of legal experience, and many work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.