Functional Capacity Evaluations

Functional capacity evaluations (FCE) are comprehensive tests that assess the physical abilities of people who have suffered a work-related injury. Our evaluation helps determine whether you are ready to return to work or if any restrictions or accommodations should be implemented so you can return to work safely.

How it Works

Get a Referral

Your doctor or appropriate stakeholder will provide a referral for a functional capacity evaluation that describes your injury and job role and demands.

Contact Us

Fill out a form. We will review your request and contact you to schedule an appointment or to request additional information.

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Get Evaluated

The evaluation usually takes four hours, but the length varies based on occupation and focuses on testing physical function related to your job duties.

Receive a Report

We will send a report to the referral source that details the evaluation results and return-to-work recommendations.

What is a functional capacity evaluation?

A FCE is a series of tests that help evaluate your physical abilities. The tests have you pull, push, lift and complete other tasks that relate to your job duties. Your physical therapist observes your performance as you complete these tests and records this data in a report. The report includes the physical therapist’s assessment of your physical condition and the data to support it. A FCE is used to determine if you are ready to return to work or if any restrictions or accommodations are needed for you to do your job safely. It can also be used to support a disability claim.

A physical therapist observing a patient while they participate in a functional capacity evaluation.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know whether I need a functional capacity evaluation?

You will need a referral to receive a FCE. Your doctor may give you a referral if you have sustained a work-related injury or if you are applying for disability benefits. Other parties that may refer you for an FCE include case managers, insurance representatives, your employer or attorneys.

How long does a functional capacity evaluation take?

It depends. Most functional capacity evaluations take four hours, but testing lengths can vary based on occupation. The test could take two consecutive days, up to eight hours each day. This helps us better simulate a work environment, as well as measure your endurance and limitations. Sometimes, your FCE will only require one day of testing.

How should I prepare? What do I wear? Should I bring anything?

You will want to dress comfortably as you will be performing physical tasks during your evaluation. Make sure you are prepared to answer questions about your medical history, including the injury you sustained and any previous health concerns. You should bring any medications you’ll need during the evaluation as well as any assistive devices such as eyeglasses, a brace or a cane.

What happens if I get tired during my functional capacity evaluation?

If you become tired during the evaluation, tell your therapist. Fatigue is common and your therapist will want to record which test caused it. This allows us to report your condition accurately and keep you safe during the evaluation.

Will I be able to take breaks during my functional capacity evaluation?

Yes, you will be able to take breaks to eat meals and use the restroom. If you need additional breaks during the evaluation, please tell your therapist.

What if I cannot finish one of the tests or feel pain during my functional capacity evaluation?

If you are unable to perform or if you feel pain during one of the tests, tell your therapist immediately. Your health is a priority and your therapist will want to know if you are too exhausted or feel pain. They can record which tests caused the discomfort and the level of discomfort, and adjust the testing protocol accordingly.

What happens after my functional capacity evaluation?

After the FCE is completed, your therapist will send the results to your referring party. The results include the medical history you provided, which tests were performed and the data related to your performance, as well as the therapist’s recommendations regarding your fitness to return to work with or without duty or workplace modifications. Your physician may use the report to fill out disability or restrictions paperwork.

Cutting-Edge Technology

Our facility is equipped with a testing system that is specifically designed for FCEs. It can replicate virtually any motion, including many task-specific movements needed to meet the demands of your job. Some of these tests include: